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 章     程



第一章    會名

中文 :  全美華裔中醫藥總會

英文 :  National Federation of Chinese TCM Organizations

第二章    宗旨

  1. 維護、推動和發展中醫藥學, 為全世界人類的健康服務.

  2. 建立並保護中醫藥工作者的合法權益.

  3. 提高中醫藥教育水平及中醫藥工作者的素質及標準.

  4. 促進全國各族裔中醫組織間的團結、溝通、交流與合作.


第三章    目標與方針

1. 代表華裔中醫藥工作者,積極參與、推動聯邦及各州立法機構與行政機構有關法

    案、規章、政策的制定. 致力於:

             A.  介紹並推動有益於針灸及中醫藥的法案.


              B.  介紹並推動有益中醫教育的法案.

   為有關行政機構施行有關中醫教育的規章政策, 包括 給中醫院校頒發執照及

   認證的標準, 提供建議及參考.


  1. 為有關行政機構及團體施行承付中醫藥及針灸費用的各項規章及政策, 提供建議及參考.

  1. 促進、組織並開展教育活動, 科研活動, 包括學術講座及各種會議, 出版專業刊物, 藉以提高中醫藥的專業水平.

  2. 作為華裔中醫藥工作者代表, 把華裔中醫對於中醫藥學的觀點及意見反映給美國政府有關機構和世界的其他有關組織.

  3. 團結會員, 提供福利, 包括發行新聞期刊, 編輯出版華裔中醫藥工作者的通訊錄, 建設網頁以最快速度溝通相關訊息, 以便於宣傳教育民眾, 並為患者提供方便.


第四章    組織立法

    本會根據聯邦法501(c)(6), 登記註冊為非牟利專業組織.

本會不參與任何政黨活動, 也不支持任何個人為爭取政治職位的競選活動.


第五章    會員種類, 會費及選舉權

  第一節    團體會員

凡在各州登記註冊之華裔中醫藥針灸團體或組織以及經ACAOM審核認可之中醫藥針灸院校, 均可報名加入本會, 成為團體會員.


團體會員可以委派代表出席全體會員大會, 大會進行表決時, 每個團體會員擁有三張

選舉權票, 投票時以出席及書面委託票數為準.

  1.   個人會員

凡持有各州中醫針灸執照或NCCAOM證書的中醫師及針灸師, 均可報名申請成為本會  會員.


個人會員可以親自出席或郵寄選票, 不接受委託投票. 在全體會員大會上進行表決投票,

每個人只有一張選舉權票. 書面投票者, 選票須在選舉日五天以前郵寄至本會辦公室


  1.   榮譽贊助會員

任何非中醫之團體或個人, 每年向本會繳納$500美元或以上者, 得被接受為本會榮

譽贊助會員, 無選舉權與被選舉權. 前曾規定任何中醫之個人如奉獻$2,000美元以上者, 得成為本會終身會員, 現已改名為榮譽贊助會員, 且仍需繳納會費以保有選舉權與被選舉權. 

  第四節  凡申請入會之團體或個人, 均需經本會理事會討論通過方可成為正式會員. 凡

   會員違反本會會章或國家法規, 本會有權取消其會籍, 所交之會費不予退還.

第六章    組織和行政機構

  第一節   年度全體會員大會

全體會員年度大會是本會最高權力機構, 每兩年召開一次. 會員大會具有以下之權力 :

  1. 表決通過各項決議;

  2. 選舉理事會理事;

  3. 修改會章: 須出席大會人數1/2以上選票通過才算有效.

  第二節    理事會



理事會由全體會員大會選舉產生, 由十九名至二十一名理事組成.

理事任期三年, 任職九年後不可再連任, 但經過一年後可以再重新當選.

  第三節    職員

本會職員均由理事會中選舉產生. 每位職員任期三年, 期滿後可以連選連任 三年, 理事任滿後, 其在理事會中之職務也將自動被解除.

職員名次如下 :

會  長 :    一名 

執行會長       一名

副會長 :    若干名

秘書長 :    一名  副秘書長 二名

秘  書 :    中、英文各一名

財務委員會主任 :  一名    委員  :   一名

組織委員會主任  :   一名    委員  : 若干名

總務委員會主任 :  一名    委員  :    若干名

公關委員會主任 :  一名   委員  :    若干名

文宣委員會主任 :  一名  委員  :    若干名

教育學術委員會主任 :  一名    委員  :    若干名

中醫立法委員會主任 :  一名  委員 :  若干名

      常務理事會 : 負責執行理事會的各項決定, 並在理事會不開會期間處理日常會務,



       常務理事會組成  :  由正副會長、執行會長、正副秘書長、中英文秘書、各部門主任、高级专家指導委員會主席、副主席組成.                                         會長為常務理事會當然主席.

高级专家指導委員會主席 :    一名    副主席  :  若干名


第七章    會議及選舉

  第一節    年度全體會員大會

全體會員大會定於每兩年召開一次, 會議地點將輪流在東岸, 中部及西岸舉行.由

       於地域遼闊,  會員分居各地,  必要時會員大會可以電話會議形式舉行.

      全體會員大會合法性與出席人數多少無關, 任何決議均以大多數票即可通過. 會章

      修改則須出席人數之 1/2以上通過才能生效.

第二節    理事會會議

理事會會議每年召開一至二次. 會議地點輪流在東岸, 中部及西岸舉行.




在緊急情況下, 會長可以隨時召開電話會議.


第八章    會章生效日期及修改

本會會章由第一屆全體會員大會制訂並通過. 本會會章若有修改, 可以由出席會員大

會1/2以上之人數通過修改. 本年度修改後通過之會章從即日起開始生效.

  1. 總會的解散

理事會若連續四年不能舉行任何會議或活動, 經1/2以上之理事贊成, 則總會將自行

解散. 一切財產將由當時擔職的理事們討論通過決議, 負責轉送給其他類似的全國性



秘書長證明 :

我證明上述章程已於二OO二年四月二十一日在德州休斯頓市的全體會員大會上被通過. 二OO四年十月二十三日在內華達州拉斯維加斯會議上修改通過.二O一一年二月十二日提出修改擬案有待通過. 二O一五年十二月十三日再修改通過


章程修改委員會: 羅志長 陳業孟  王语燕 何紅健 梁慎平 張瑋 樂貴祥

秘書長 :王语燕




   章     程



第一章    會名

中文 :  全美華裔中醫藥總會

英文 :  National Federation of Chinese TCM Organizations

第二章    宗旨

維護、推動和發展中醫藥學, 為全世界人類的健康服務. 




第三章    目標與方針

    1. 積極努力支持並與聯邦及各州的立法機構和行政機關合作, 致力於:

             A.  介紹並推動有益於針灸及中醫藥的法案.

為有關行政機構施行有關中醫針灸管理的規章政策, 包括頒發執照證書的標準, 提供建議及參考.

              B.  介紹並推動有益中醫教育的法案.

   為有關行政機構施行有關中醫教育的規章政策, 包括給中醫院校頒發執照及認

   可的標準, 提供建議及參考.




策, 提供建議及參考.

新加:  制定和统一華裔中醫藥工作者及华裔中医药会员学会在美国中医药发展方面的方针、策略。

促進、組織並開展教育活動, 包括科研項目, 學術講座及各種會議, 出

   版專業刊物, 藉以提高中醫藥的專業水平.

代表華裔中醫藥工作者, 把華裔中醫對於中醫藥學的觀點及意見反映給


新加: 代表華裔中醫藥工作者及华裔中医药会员学会跟美国其他有关中医药组织进行横向合作与沟通。

團結會員, 提供福利, 包括發行新聞期刊, 編輯出版華裔中醫藥工作者

   的通訊錄, 建設網頁以最快速度溝通相關訊息, 以便於宣傳教育民眾, 並為患者


第四章    組織立法

    本會根據聯邦法501(c)(6), 登記註冊為非牟利專業組織.

本會不參與任何政黨活動, 也不支持任何個人為爭取政治職位的競選活動.

第五章    會員種類, 會費及選舉權

  第一節    團體會員

    凡在各州登記註冊之華裔中醫藥針灸團體或組織或中醫藥針灸院校, 均可報名加入本會, 成為團體會員.


    團體會員可以委派代表出席全體會員大會, 大會進行表決時, 每個團體會員擁有三張選舉權票, 投票時以出席及書面委託票數為準. 


 凡持有各州中醫針灸執照或NCCAOM證書的中醫師及針灸師, 均可報名申請成為本會會員. 


 個人會員可以親自出席、网上投票或郵寄選票, 不接受委託投票. 在全體會員大會上進行表決投票, 每個人只有一張選舉權票. 書面投票者, 選票須在選舉日五天以前郵寄至本會辦公室方為有效.


 任何非中醫之團體或個人, 每年向本會繳納$500美元或以上者, 得被接受為本會榮譽會員. 任何中醫之個人如奉獻$2,000美元以上, 得成為本會終身會員.


  第四節  凡申請入會之團體或個人, 均需經本會理事會討論通過方可成為正式會員. 凡

   會員違反本會會章或國家法規, 本會有權取消其會籍, 所交之會費不予退還.

第六章    組織和行政機構

  第一節   年度全體會員大會

全體會員年度大會是本會最高權力機構, 每兩年召開一次. 會員大會具有以下之權力 :



修改會章: 須出席大會人數1/2以上選票通過才算有效.

  第二節    理事會



理事會由全體會員大會選舉產生, 由十九名至二十一名理事組成.

 理事任期三年, 任職九年後不可再連任, 但經過一年後可以再重新當選.


  第三節    職員

本會職員均由理事會中選舉產生. 每位職員任期三年, 期滿後可以連選連任 三年, 理事任滿後, 其在理事會中之職務也將自動被解除.

職員名次如下 :

會  長 :    一名  

執行會長       一名

副會長 :    若干名

秘書長 :    一名  副秘書長 二名

秘  書 :    中、英文各一名

財務委員會主任 :  一名    委員:  一名

組織委員會主任  :   一名    委員  :  若干名

總務委員會主任 :  一名    委員  :    若干名

公關委員會主任 :  一名   委員  :    若干名

文宣委員會主任 :  一名  委員  :    若干名

教育學術委員會主任 :  一名    委員  :    若干名

中醫立法委員會主任 :  一名  委員 :  若干名

      常務理事會 : 負責執行理事會的各項決定, 並在理事會不開會期間處理日常會務,


      常務理事會組成  :  由正副會長、正副秘書長、中英文秘書、各部門主任、常務顧

                       問委員會主席組成. 會長為常務理事會當然主席.

常務顧問委員會主席 :    一名    常務顧問  :  若干名

第七章    會議及選舉

  第一節    年度全體會員大會

全體會員大會定於每兩年召開一次, 會議地點將輪流在東岸, 中部及西岸舉行.由於地域遼闊,  會員分居各地,  必要時會員大會可以電話會議形式舉行. 

      全體會員大會合法性與出席人數多少無關, 任何決議均以大多數票即可通過. 會章修改則須出席人數之 1/2以上通過才能生效.

第二節    理事會會議

理事會會議每年召開一至二次. 會議地點輪流在東岸, 中部及西岸舉行,必要時理事会大會可以電話會議形式舉行




在緊急情況下, 會長可以隨時召開電話會議.

第八章    會章生效日期及修改

本會會章由第一屆全體會員大會制訂並通過. 本會會章若有修改, 可以由出席會員大會1/2以上之人數通過修改. 本年度修改後通過之會章從即日起開始生效.


    理事會若連續四年不能舉行任何會議或活動, 經1/2以上之理事贊成, 則總會將自行解散. 一切財產將由當時擔職的理事們討論通過決議, 負責轉送給其他類似的全國性中醫團體.


秘書長證明 :

我證明上述章程已於二OO二年四月二十一日在德州休斯頓市的全體會員大會上被通過. 二OO四年十月二十三日在內華達州拉斯維加斯會議上修改通過.二O一一年二月十二日提出修改擬案有待通過. 二O一五年八月十八日再修改通過。



The First Chapter

Chinese: National Chinese American Chinese Medicine Association

English: National Federation of Chinese TCM Organizations


The Second Chapter

Maintain, promote and develop traditional Chinese medicine and serve human health worldwide. 

Establish and protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese medicine workers.

Protect and improve the level of Chinese medicine education and quality standards of Chinese medicine workers.

Promote unity, communication and cooperation among TCM organizations of all ethnic groups across the country.


The Third Chapter

Goals and Guidelines

  1.  Efforts to support and cooperate with the legislative and executive authorities of the federal and state states are committed to:

    1.  Introduce and promote laws that benefit acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

      1. To provide the relevant administrative bodies with regulatory policies on the management of acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine, including the criteria for issuing licenses, and provide suggestions and references.

  2.  Introduce and promote a bill that will benefit Chinese medicine education.

  3.  Implementing regulations and policies on Chinese medicine education for relevant administrative bodies, including issuing licenses and confirmations to Chinese medicine colleges and universities

    1.  Available standards, advice and references.

  4. Introduce and promote federal and state healthcare systems and private insurance companies to commit Chinese medicine and acupuncture bills.

  5. To implement the various rules and regulations governing the expenses of Chinese medicine and acupuncture for the relevant administrative bodies and organizations 


Policy, advice and reference:

  1. Singapore Plus: Guidelines and Strategies for Developing and Unifying Chinese-American Chinese Medicine Workers and Chinese-American Association of Chinese Medicine Members in the Development of Chinese Medicine in the United States.

  2. Promote, organize and carry out educational activities, including scientific research projects, academic seminars and conferences

  3.  Version of professional publications, in order to improve the professional level of Chinese medicine.

  4. On behalf of ethnic Chinese medicine practitioners, reflect the Chinese medicine practitioners' views and opinions on traditional Chinese medicine

  5.  U.S. government agencies and other relevant organizations in the world.

  6. Singapore Plus: On behalf of the Chinese medicine practitioners of Chinese medicine and the Association of Chinese Medicine Practitioners of Chinese Medicine, carry out horizontal cooperation and communication with other relevant Chinese medicine organizations in the United States.

  7. Unite members, provide benefits, including the issue of news journals, editing and publishing of Chinese-Chinese medicine workers

  8.  Address book, the construction of web pages to communicate the fastest message, in order to promote public education, and for patients to offer comfort.


The Fourth Chapter

This Association is registered as a non-profit making professional organization under section 501 (c) (6) of the Federal Law.


This Council does not participate in any party activities, nor does it support any individual campaign for political positions.


Chapter Five

Member types, dues and voting rights

    All ethnic Chinese medicine acupuncture groups or organizations registered in each state or Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion institutions can register to join this association and become a group member.

    1. Group membership dues $ 500 per year.

    2.  Group members may appoint a delegate to attend the general meeting of members. Each member of the group shall have three votes at the time of voting. At the time of voting, the number of votes cast and the number of votes cast shall prevail. 

  1.    Individual member

    1.  All TCM practitioners and acupuncturists who hold TCM acupuncture licenses or NCCAOM certificates of each state can apply to become members of this association. 

    2. Individual membership dues $ 150 per year.

    3.  Individual members can attend in person, vote online or mail ballot papers, do not accept the proxy vote in the plenary assembly vote, each person has only one vote. Written voters, ballot papers must be mailed five days before the election day to this Council The office is valid.

  2. Honorary member and lifetime member

    1.  Any non-Chinese medicine group or individual who is paid an annual fee of $ 500 or more to this Society may be accepted as an Honorary Member of this Council. Any Chinese individual who has donated more than $ 2,000 will become a lifelong member of this Council.

    2. Honorary members do not have the right to vote and to be elected.


Chapter Six

Anyone applying for membership shall be subject to the approval of the council of this council before becoming a full member.


Members violate the constitution or national laws and regulations, we will have the right to cancel its membership, the payment of non-refundable membership fee.


Chapter Seven

Organization and Administration

The annual general meeting of all members is the supreme authority of our society and is held every two years.


The general meeting of members has the following powers:

  1. Voting passed resolutions

  2. Election of council members

  3. Amendment of the Constitution: to attend more than 1/2 the number of ballot papers to be considered valid.


Section II Board

The council is responsible for enforcing the resolutions passed by the general assembly.

Council members must be members of this association.

The council is elected by the general assembly of members, from 19 to 21 members.

The term of office of a director is three years. After serving for nine years, he can not be reelected, but can be reelected after one year.


Section III staff

All staff members of the council will be elected by the board of directors, each of whom will be appointed for a term of three years. After the expiration of the term of office, he or she may be reelected for another three years. Upon his expiry of his term of office, his position on the council will be automatically lifted.


Staff rankings are as follows:

  1. President

  2. Executive president

  3. Vice President

  4. Secretary General: Two Deputy Secretaries-General

  5. Secretary: one each in Chinese and English

  6. Finance Committee director: a member

  7. Organizing Committee Director: a member

  8. General Committee Director: a member

  9. Public Relations Commission Director: a member

  10. Wenxuan Committee Director: a member

  11. Education Academic Committee Director: a member

  12. Chinese Legislative Council chairman: a member

  13. Executive Council: Responsible for the implementation of the Council's decisions, and deal with day-to-day meetings during the absence of the Council, and may make a decision on a temporary important matter. 

  14. The standing council consists of: vice chairman, deputy secretary general, secretary of Chinese and English, director of each department, executive director


 Ask the chairman of the committee, whose chairman is the ex officio chairman of the executive council.

Standing Advisory Committee Chairman: A standing adviser: a number of names


Chapter Eight

Meetings and Election


 The first section of the annual general assembly:

General Meeting scheduled to be held every two years, the meeting place will be held alternately in the east coast, and central West Bank. Since the vast territory, members of separation over the country, if necessary, members of the General Assembly could be held in the form of a telephone conference. 


The legitimacy of the general assembly of members has nothing to do with the number of attendees, any resolution by a majority vote can be passed .Meeting changes must be attended by more than 1/2 to take effect.


Section II Board Meeting:

The meeting of the council is held once or twice a year, and the venue of the conference is held alternately in the east coast, the middle and the west coast, and the council meeting can be held as a conference call if necessary

The Governing Council requires more than a third of the participants (including leave) to participate.

The resolutions of the council need to be adopted by more than one half of the attendance.

Council meetings follow the Robert procedure.


In an emergency, the president may hold a conference call at any time.


Chapter Nine

Commencement Date and Amendments

The constitutional chapter of the association shall be formulated and passed by the first general meeting of members.If any alteration is made to the constitution of the association, the number of members attending the general meeting may be amended by more than one-half of the number of members present at the general meeting.


The dissolution of the general assembly


If the Council for four consecutive years can not hold any meeting or event, with more than 1/2 of the members agree, it will always dissolve .All the property will be responsible for the discussion of the resolution of the directors, responsible for transferring to other similar national Chinese medicine group.



I certify that the above constitution was passed at the general meeting of the general assembly of Houston, Texas, on April 21, 2002. Revised on October 23, 2004 at the Las Vegas, Nevada The proposed amendment to be proposed on February 12, 2011 is yet to be adopted. The amendment will be passed on August 18, 2015.


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