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The 3rd North American Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine Academic Conference on Chinese Medicine and Integrated Health

World Chinese Medicine Day Celebration

National Chinese Medicine Association Report



















On the celebration of World Chinese Medicine Day, the 3rd North American Chinese Medicine Academic Conference on Chinese Medicine and Integrated Health was successfully held on October 20, 2019 at the Florida College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. More than 100 Chinese medicine practitioners from all over the United States and China attended the seminar.


第三届北美中医药学术大会中医与整合健康专题研讨会由世界中医药学会联合会支持、全美华裔中医药总会(NFCTCMO)主办,大西洋中医学院(ATOM),佛州中医学会(FAA)、佛州东方医学会(FSOMA)共同承办的。研讨会得到了天江药业的慷慨赞助,及华美中医学院(ACAOM)、纽约中医学院(NYCTCM)、加州中医药大学(FBU)及全美中医药学会(ATCMA)与美国中医校友联合会(TCMAAA)的有力协助和支持。全美华裔中医药总会会长、美国中医院校资格认证委员会主席陈业孟博士在开幕式上致欢迎词,大西洋中医学院(ATOM)朱海纳院长,天江药业邹增强副总经理,佛州东方医学会(FSOMA)Sandra Kahn会长,ATCMA与TCMAAA 魏辉执行长,佛州中医学会(FAA)唐代屹会长分别在开幕式上致辞。全美华裔中医药总会屠英荣誉会长到会并主持了研讨会的主题演讲。开幕式由全美华裔中医药总会副会长兼秘书长王语燕医师主持。加州中医药大学赵振平副校长、大西洋中医学院副校长傅迪博士、全美华裔中医药总会常务理事张玮医师及副秘书长陈静医师到会主持专题演讲。 


The 3rd North American Chinese Medicine Academic Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Integrated Health was sponsored by the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, sponsored by the National Chinese Medicine Association (NFCTCMO), Atlantic College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATOM), and the Florida Chinese Medicine Association (FAA). Co-hosted by the Florida Oriental Medical Association (FSOMA). The seminar was generously sponsored by Tianjiang Pharmaceutical, and the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACAOM), New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NYCTCM), California University of Chinese Medicine (FBU), and the National Association of Chinese Medicine (ATCMA) and the American Association of Chinese Medicine Alumni (TCMAAA). Strong support and support. Dr. Chen Yemeng, President of the All-American Chinese Medicine Association and Chairman of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Certification Committee, delivered a welcome speech at the opening ceremony. Dean of Zhuhai Na, ATOM, and Vice President of Tianjiang Pharmaceutical Zou, Fu President of the State Eastern Medical Association (FSOMA) Sandra Kahn, ATCMA and TCMAAA Wei Hui, and the president of the Florida Chinese Medicine Association (FAA) Tang Daizhen delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. The Honorary President of the Chinese American Chinese Medicine Association Tu Ying attended the meeting and hosted the keynote speech of the seminar. The opening ceremony was hosted by Dr. Wang Yuyan, the vice president and secretary general of the All-China Chinese Medicine Association. Dr. Zhao Zhenping, Vice President of California University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Fu Di, Vice President of Atlantic College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Dr. Zhang Wei, Executive Director of the National Chinese Medicine Association, and Dr. Chen Jing, Deputy Secretary General, attended the conference.





Future of Health Technology Award获奖者、美国免疫领域著名学者纽约医学院李秀敏教授在研讨会上做了关于中医药治疗食物过敏症临床及实验研究的精彩演讲,收到了到会者的高度评价。赵软金博士对关于肿瘤中医临床治疗的全面综述,被中医同道称之为“临床宝典”。南京中医药大学附属扬州中医院原院长许运明教授的演讲,从道地药材的尊古炮制到智能制造;从精准质控、质量标准制定到临床应用,全产业链数字化质量控制模式的探索,精辟地阐述了中药配方颗粒 27 年来对中医药的传承与发展。OHIO州立大学王德辉教授对中医针灸与整合医学的融合模式的综合阐述,为中医进入主流医学启迪了思路,提出了中⻄医医学整合,东⻄⽅专业⼈员资源整合的新概念。大西洋中医学院博士班临床主任洪光博士对中医治疗子宫肌瘤与相关症状的临床研究的研究思路方法探讨,为美国中医药临床研究进行了一系列的理论及实践的基础铺垫。受到了与会者的一致好评。全美华裔中医药总会执行会长何红健医师在研讨会上针对针灸治疗腰痛立即有效的关键因素的讲解和现场演示,把学术交流⽓氛推向了⾼潮。 


The winner of the Future of Health Technology Award and Professor Lee Sau-min of the New York Medical College, a well-known scholar in the field of immunization in the United States, gave a wonderful speech on the clinical and experimental research of Chinese medicine treatment of food allergy, and received high praise from the participants. Dr. Zhao Softjin gave a comprehensive review of the clinical treatment of cancer Chinese medicine, which was called “Clinical Collection” by Chinese medicine practitioners. Professor Xu Yunming, former dean of the Yangzhou Hospital of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave a speech from the ancient medicinal materials to the intelligent manufacturing; from the precision quality control, quality standard formulation to clinical application, the exploration of the digital quality control mode of the whole industry chain, Incisively expounded the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine in the past 27 years. Professor Wang Dehui of OHIO State University comprehensively expounded the integration mode of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and integrated medicine, which inspired the Chinese medicine to enter mainstream medicine, and proposed a new concept of integration of Chinese medicine and medical resources. Dr. Hong Guang, Clinical Director of the Doctoral Class of the College of Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, explored the research methods and methods of clinical research on the treatment of uterine fibroids and related symptoms in Chinese medicine, and paved the way for a series of theoretical and practical foundations for the clinical research of American traditional Chinese medicine. Received the praise of the participants. Dr. He Hongjian, Executive Director of the All-China Chinese Medicine Association, presented the academic exchange atmosphere to a climax at the seminar on the key factors of acupuncture treatment of low back pain and effective demonstration.







Speakers from the seminar on the theory and clinical practice of Chinese medicine to the establishment of traditional Chinese medicine and integrated medicine models; from the standardization of traditional Chinese medicine resources to the digital management of the whole industry chain; from the clinical demonstration of traditional acupuncture needles to the development and utilization of new Chinese medicine plants From Chinese medicine acupuncture to traditional Chinese medicine; from research to practice; academic development from the past to the future has been incisively discussed. The high-level, high-level, scientific research and clinical experience of the conference speakers reflect the new concept of integration of Chinese medicine and medical resources and integration of professional resources of Dongfang side. It has opened up new possibilities for the integration of Chinese medicine and integrated medicine. 

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3rd North American TCM Symposium


Chinese Medicine in Integrative Health


10/20/2019 (Sunday), 9:00 AM – 17:00 PM

Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine

100 E Broward Blvd, #100

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301



World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies(WFCMS)

WFCMS Seal.jpg


National Federation of Chinese TCM Organizations (NFCTCMO)

NFCTCMO Seal.jpg


Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine (ATOM)

Florida Acupuncture Association (FAA)

Florida State Oriental Medical Association (FSOMA)

ATOM Seal.jpg
FL Acupuncture Ass. Seal.jpg
Florida OM Seal.jpg

Premier Sponsor

Tianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Blue Light, Inc.

Tian Jiang TotE Seal.jpg


American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (ACAOM)

Five Branches University (FBU)

New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine(NYCTCM)

ACAOM Seal.jpg
5 Branches Seal.jpg
NYCTCM Seal.jpg


Hongjian He AP_edited.jpg
Harry Hong PhD_edited.jpg
Xiumin Li MD MS_edited.jpg
Keynote Speaker

         Xiumin Li, MD

Professor in the Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, and Dept. Otolaryngology

New York Medical College

Mitigating Food Allergies with Chinese Herbs: Report on Scientific and Clinical Studies

Ruanjin Zhao PhD.jpg
Keynote Speaker

Ruanjin Zhao, Ph.D., AP

Director, The Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sarasota, Florida

 To Integrate the TCM in Clinical Oncology 

David Dehui Wang MD PhD.jpg
Yunming Xu MD.jpg

Yunming Xu,MD,(China)

David Dehui Wang, MD (China), Ph.D, L.Ac

Hongjian He, AP

Harry Hong,

Ph.D. L.Ac.

Former President of Yangzhou TCM Hospital affiliated to Nanjing University of TCM

Director of Tianjiang Chinese Herbal Granules Research Institute, Nanjing University of TCM 

Advancement of Research in Chinese Herbal Granules

(Chinese with simultaneous translation in English)

Clinical Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University

Vice President and Chair of Internal Medicine of the American Traditional Chinese Medicine Association

Acupuncture in integrative medicine at Ohio State University

Acting President of National Federation of Chinese TCM Organizations

Vice-Chair, American Alliance for Professional Acupuncture & Safety

The Key to instantly Relieve Lower Back pain in Acupuncture Treatment


Clinical director for the DAOM program, Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine






Clinical Studies on Treatment of Uterine Fibroids

and Associated Symptoms with Chinese Medicine


3rd North American TCM Symposium Program

Please click the button to see the program


Early bird: Now extended to 10/15 :     $150

Pay at the door:          $190

Other acupuncture students:   $70


ATOM, NYCTCM, Five Branches, ACAOM faculty and students, please register through your school for reduced rates.


Hotel information:

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Fort Lauderdale Downtown/Las Olas 30 Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 

$149   7 minutes walking distance to ATOM (0.3 mile)

Hampton Inn Ft. Lauderdale/Downtown Las Olas Area

$148    7 minutes walking distance to ATOM (0.3 mile)

please contact to request a discounted rate at $119 per night. 

Parking Information:


Parking is available in the back street of ATOM building


City Park   150 SE 2nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

FAU Parking Garage 144 SE 1st Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301



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