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News 《全美華裔中醫藥總會》宣告成立


醞釀多時, 在各州華裔中醫團體負責人和中醫精英廣泛取得共識的基礎上, 《全美華裔中醫藥總會》籌備會議, 於二零零二年四月二十、二十一日在德州休士頓希爾頓酒店舉行. 來自各州的代表有: 李道坊醫師、張季倫醫師、柳重威醫師、梁慎平醫師、羅志長醫師、谷世樑醫師、屠英醫師、朱海娜醫師、曾德昌醫師、陳大方醫師、黎洪醫師、蔣建復醫師、吳世華醫師、周杞醫師等出席了會議. 田小明醫師、陳國鳳醫師、錢美玲醫師、黃鴻年醫師、陳大仁醫師、張禮邦醫師勞力行醫師、張群豪醫師等臨時因故未克出席. 此外, 部分發起人: 勵振洪醫師、楊偉林醫師、陳靖醫師、劉偉醫師、徐宗蘭醫師等雖然未能出席, 但都表示對聯合會的大力支持.

與會者在互相自我介紹之後,  聽取了各州代表報告各該州華裔中醫針灸組織的現狀以及美國幾個全國性中醫針灸職業團體和教育團體的概況. 他們對各州華裔中醫組織的蓬勃發展感到興奮, 但對各組織間不夠協調則表示高度的關切, 同時, 對幾個全國性組織缺乏華裔聲音以及華裔中醫精英參與全國性團體的人數越來越少表示憂慮, 擔心華裔中醫如果沒有一個共同的聲音, 沒有一個華裔中醫的整體形象, 將來有可能漸被忽視, 更可能會漸漸地消失在全國發展的洪流中. 與會者紛紛表示要站高看遠, 積極參與, 腳踏實地地為 《全美華裔中醫組織聯合會》的建立和發展, 為全美華裔中醫的共同利益, 為維護中醫文化的傳統性和完整性而做出有益的貢獻.

會議的大部分時間用在逐條討論制訂聯合會章程. 經過十幾小時坦誠熱烈的、有建設性的反復討論研究, 《全美華裔中醫藥總會》章程 (見附件全文), 終於獲得全體出席者的一致通過. 同時, 會議根據會章的精神, 確定了首次會議全體出席者均為創會人, 會議通過民主選舉, 產生了第一屆理事會職員, 他們是會長: 屠英醫師, 副會長: 陳大方醫師、梁慎平醫師、曾德昌醫師、田小明醫師、谷世樑醫師, 秘書長: 羅志長醫師、副秘書長: 張禮邦醫師, 財政部長: 李道坊醫師;
同時成立了常務理事會以及建立七個委員會 , 並決定即時向聯邦和州政府註冊登記為非牟利學術機構. 今後隨著會務的發展和組織的壯大, 理事會的結構將通過適當的手續加以擴大. 並將建立顧問委員會以及邀請更多中醫名流和精英擔任要職, 以充實和壯大總會的力量.

會議對全體與會醫師犧牲業務和休息時間, 不遠千里前來開會表示感謝和敬佩. 全體與會醫師十分感謝梁慎平醫師及夫人無私地為這次會議所付出的時間、精力和金錢上的奉獻.



We coordinated continuing education lecturers for our members, by sponsoring well known and experienced lecturers and specialists from China and have them travel to our member organization and schools, saving the time and expense.

We are looking into establishing inpatient hospital privileges for our members, one city at a time. We hope that in time this may lead us to be able to set up the internship in the hospitals for our membership students in the near future.

We rallied for support of ACAOM’s initiatives for the First Degree Doctoral program and also to support ACAOM’s reaccreditation for the MSAOM and accreditation for the DAOM programs by USDE. We will continue our support by sending highly qualified experts to the Doctoral Task Force, and participate in any activities deemed necessary to have these programs implemented.

We continue to support other national organizations in their endeavor to reorganize, and through direct conversations between the leaders to maintain understanding and cooperation in our efforts to advance our profession.


The NFCTCMO appreciates the Council’s leadership in maintaining this annual meeting with AOM leaders and sends our warm greetings to everybody attending the meeting.


In the past year, NFCTCMO continued to focus on the construction of our organization, and have made big strides forward. We now have most of the Chinese organizations from the East to the West coast of the country joined in the NFCTCMO, and able to coordinate our actions together.

We reorganized our Board of Directors to include all the leaders of the Chinese community, and also elected new, younger, and more active members into the leadership. 

We have established a Website and is still in the process of improving the design and content to make it more attractive and comprehensive.

We coordinated continuing education lecturers for our members, by sponsoring well known and experienced lecturers and specialists from China and have them travel to our member organization and schools, saving the time and expense.

We are looking into establishing inpatient hospital privileges for our members, one city at a time. We hope that in time this may lead us to be able to set up the internship in the hospitals for our membership students in the near future.

We rallied for support of ACAOM’s initiatives for the First Degree Doctoral program and also to support ACAOM’s reaccreditation for the MSAOM and accreditation for the DAOM programs by USDE. We will continue our support by sending highly qualified experts to the Doctoral Task Force, and participate in any activities deemed necessary to have these programs implemented.
We continue to support AAAOM in their endeavor to reorganize, and through direct conversations between the leaders to maintain understanding and cooperation in our efforts to advance our profession.

We are currently addressing the WHO ICTM11 project and is in the process of raising funds to shoulder our share of the expenses. At the same time, we are also soliciting our members to actively participate in the review process for the project.

We continue to be active in the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Representatives of our organization hold many of the leadership positions in WFCMS, attending all the meetings and representing the United States in voicing our concerns and offering constructive input in decision making regarding the development of traditional medicine around the world. Last November, our members volunteered services to WFCMS (World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies) at their very successful convention in San Francisco, to learn and gain experience so that we can consider sponsoring the WFCMS convention in the U.S. also.

The NFCTCMO is a relatively new organization, and we are still growing. We have much to learn, and we welcome opportunities like this where we can learn from all the experiences of your organizations. We need your support, and we will be happy to communicate with you and offer our support and efforts when you call on us.

Thank you!

Angela Tu


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